Safety evaluation of certain contaminants in food: prepared by the ninety
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Safety evaluation of certain contaminants in food: prepared by the ninety

Apr 16, 2023

WHO Food additives series; 82

This volume contains monographs prepared at the ninety-first meeting of the Joint FAO/WHO Expert Committeeon Food Additives (JECFA), which met virtually onlinefrom 1 to 12 February 2021.

The detailed monographs in this volume summarize dataon specific contaminants in food. Individual monographspresent the assessment of exposure to cadmium fromall food sources, the technical, analytical, dietaryexposure and toxicological data on ergot alkaloids,an assessment of five substances that may occur asprevious cargoes, and a revision of the specifications forsteviol glycosides.

This volume and others in the WHO Food Additivesseries contain information that is useful to those whoproduce and use food additives and veterinary drugs andthose involved with controlling contaminants in food,government and food regulatory officers, industrialtesting laboratories, toxicological laboratories anduniversities.